Effect of Fiber Size Distribution on Medium-Denstiy Fiberboard Properties Caused by Varied Steaming Time and Temperature of Defibration Process
Medium-density fiberboard, fiber quality, fiber size characterization, fiber length determinationAbstract
For wood particle-based composite panels, particle size distribution and morphology are classified as crucial factors for the industrial production process and the resulting product properties. However, fiber quality control for medium-density fiberboard (MDF) production is still just done on a low technical level because adequate measurement systems are not available. Consequently, current fiber characterization approaches appear to be limited in reproducibility and do not fit optimally for process control. It is, therefore, the aim of this study to 1) introduce a recently developed particle analysis system that fulfills the requirements for MDF fiber characterization; and 2) show how defibration conditions, fiber size distribution, and fiberboard properties correlate with each other. Three different fiber types (thermomechanical pulp [TMP]) were produced by varying the steaming time and temperature of a thermomechanical refiner process. Fiber size distribution was determined, and properties of test panels made using these fibers as raw material were investigated. Fiber size decreased with increasing steaming time and temperature. Mechanical properties increased with increasing fiber length, whereas physical properties decreased.References
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