Bending Fatigue of Wood: Strain Energy-Based Failure Criterion and Fatigue Life Prediction
Fatigue, strain energy, failure criterion, fatigue life predictionAbstract
In this study, bending fatigue behavior of Japanese cedar and Selangan batu was examined. A nonreversible triangular waveform with loading frequencies of 0.5 and 5 Hz was used as load. Applied loads were about 110-70% of the static strength. The fatigue life of Japanese cedar was found to be longer at 5 Hz, especially at low stress level. For Selangan batu, however, loading frequency did not affect fatigue life. When fatigue life exceeded about 40,000 cycles, a crack formed on the compressive sides of the specimens regardless of the loading frequency and species. Cumulative strain energy at failure was found to be the failure criterion regardless of the loading frequency. This criterion could be estimated using the strain energy through the static test. A fatigue life prediction method based on the strain energy of the second loading cycle was proposed. This prediction method provided a good prediction of fatigue life.References
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