Characterization of Major Components in Barks from Five Canadian Tree Species
Barks, extractives, Canadian tree species, chemical composition, total phenolics, formaldehyde-condensable polyphenols, antioxidant activity, FT-IRAbstract
In this study, the major components in barks from five Canadian tree species and their chemical and biological properties were characterized. The extractives soluble in hexane, ethanol, and 1% NaOH solution were measured through successive extractions. Total phenolic content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, antioxidant activity was evaluated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-free radical scavenging assay, and the characteristics of functional groups were analyzed by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy. The formaldehyde-condensable polyphenols were estimated with the Stiasny method. Lignin and holocellulose contents were determined by gravimetric method. Results showed that the amounts of extractives soluble in the three solvents varied significantly with bark species. Lodgepole pine bark contained the highest content of hexane-soluble extractives (15.0%), and aspen bark contained a very high content of ethanol solubles (22.3%). The 1% NaOH solubles ranged from 20.5 to 35.5% of the original bark. Except balsam fir, the total phenolic contents of ethanol solubles were between 200 and 300 mg equivalent catechin per gram of extract. The ethanol-soluble extractives from lodgepole pine bark and sugar maple bark had considerably high antioxidant potential; their IC50 values were about 11 μg/mL. The barks of softwood species contained a higher amount of formaldehyde-condensable polyphenols than those of hardwood species included in this study.References
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