Tensile and Bending Moment Resistances of T-Shaped Joints in Rattan Chairs
Tensile test, bending test, T-shaped joint, rattan chairs, orthogonal array experimental designAbstract
Effects of inner fastener type, wrapping pattern and material type, and member material type on ultimate tensile and bending moment resistances of T-shaped joints in rattan chair construction were investigated based on the L9 (34) orthogonal array experimental design. The range analyses indicated that the order of impact on ultimate tensile loads of four factors was inner fastener type > wrapping pattern > member material type > wrapping material type, whereas the order of impact on ultimate bending moment was inner fastener type > wrapping material type > wrapping pattern > member material type. Analysis of variance indicated that inner fastener type affected ultimate tensile and bending moment the most among the four factors with percentages of contribution of 51.19 and 47.06 to tensile and bending moment, respectively. Optimal combinations of factors and their levels that yielded the highest ultimate tensile and bending moment resistances were identified for T-shaped, end-to-side joints in rattan materials.References
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