Effect of Vacuum Heat Treatment Temperature on Physical and Mechanical Properties of <i>Eucalyptus Pellita</i> Wood
<i>Eucalyptus pellita</i>, vacuum heat treatment, physical property, modulus of elasticity, modulus of ruptureAbstract
This study investigated how vacuum heat treatment influenced the physical and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus pellita wood. The investigated properties included mass loss, oven-dry density, dimensional stability, modulus of elasticity (MOE), and modulus of rupture (MOR). For the study, wood samples were heated under vacuum atmosphere at temperatures ranging from 80 to 280°C for 4 h. The results showed that although the mass loss of wood showed only a slight change below 200°C, there was a sharp increase in loss after 240°C. Oven-dry density of wood decreased slowly with an increase of treatment temperature with decreases of 4.4 and 10.4% compared with the control sample observed at 200 and 240°C, respectively. Conversely, the dimensional stability of samples increased by about 30% at 200°C. As temperatures increased, MOE and MOR initially showed gradual enhancements before declining rapidly. Compared with the untreated sample, MOE increased by 25.2% at 200°C, whereas MOR augmented by 6.5% at 160°C. Vacuum heat treatment temperature between 160 and 200°C would be available for improving dimensional stability and keeping mechanical strength of Eucalyptus pellita wood.References
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