Properties of Wood/recycled Textile Composite Panels
Oriented strandboard, textiles, composite panels, hardwood strands, composite filler, recycled fiberAbstract
This study evaluated the potential to use recycled cotton textiles as filler and possibly reinforcement in the core of oriented strandboard (OSB) panels. Nominal 11.1-mm-thick, 686 x 686-mm OSB/textile fiber composite panels (50% surface and 50% core layers) were fabricated. Recycled textile material (0, 5, 15, 25, and 50% of the total weight percentage in the panel) was blended with mixed hardwood core strands. For each combination of wood and textile material, 10 panels were produced for a total of 50 panels. Internal bond strength, static bending strength and stiffness, water absorption, thickness swell, and nail withdrawal strength properties were evaluated. The major finding of the study indicated that compared with controls (ie panels with 0% textile material), panels with 5% recycled textiles did not have a statistically significant difference in bending strength (modulus of rupture) and elasticity (modulus of elasticity) or nail withdrawal strength. Additionally, although the controls had the greatest average thickness swell, none of the groups tested showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.064). The study indicated that there is potential for adding 5% recycled textiles to the core of OSB panels without significantly decreasing physical or mechanical properties.References
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