Geographic Variation in Wood Properties of Pinus Tecunumanii
Pinus tecunumanii, wood properties, specific gravity, geographic variationAbstract
Wood properties of Pinus tecunumanii were studied on 108 trees collected from four different departments of Guatemala (Baja Verapaz, Zacapa, Totonicapán, and El Quiché). Unextracted and extracted specific gravities were calculated from 108 Cores (one per tree) of 4.5 mm diameter. The specific gravity varied from 0.51 to 0.56 with a weak decreasing trend from east to west. Most of the extractives were found in the core segment closest to the pith. Tracheid measurements were recorded on 11-mm cores from Baja Verapaz and Zacapa with tracheid length, cell-wall thickness, lumen width, and tracheid diameter being recorded. With the exception of tracheid length, all the measured cell characteristics showed highly statistical differences between locations and among trees. Most of the variation was within and between trees. Tracheid diameter and lumen width were highly correlated. The wood of the Tecun Umán pine showed extreme variability, especially in tracheid dimensions. Overall, however, the wood of this species is quite usable for both solid wood and pulp products.References
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