Utilization of Soft-rot Cavity Orientation for the Determination of Microfibril Angle. Part I
Cellulose, fibers, iodine crystal deposition, microfibril angle, S2 angle, soft-rot cavities, tracheids, X-ray diffractionAbstract
These studies utilize the decay cavities formed by the soft-rot fungus, Phialocephala dimorphospora, to determine the orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the cell wall. In this study, the microfibril angle was determined utilizing three methods: X-ray diffraction (T method), iodine staining, and orientation of the soft-rot cavities. The results demonstrate good agreement between the three techniques and verify that the decay cavities are formed in a direction parallel to the cellulose microfibrils and therefore can be used to determine the orientation of the cellulose microfibrils. One advantage of the soft-rot method over the X-ray method is the ability to measure angles of any size, including those of juvenile wood.References
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