Wood Quality in <i>Hildegardia Barteri</i> (MAST.) Kossern—An African Tropical Pioneer Species


  • Olayinka O. Omolodun
  • Bruce E. Cutter
  • Gary F. Krause
  • E. Allen McGinnes, Jr.


Descriptive anatomy, cell dimensions, specific gravity, extractive content


Hildegardia barteri (Mast.) Kossern is a fast-growing African tropical pioneer species that often colonizes open spaces and disturbed vegetation, forming almost pure stands extending over several hectares. The results of anatomical and specific gravity studies of Hildegardia grown on four different sites in southern Nigeria are presented. Fiber length and fiber and vessel element tangential diameters varied significantly among the four sites. Most anatomical features varied with distance from the pith. Height above ground was not a significant factor. Specific gravity varied with site, distance from the pith, and height above ground.


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