Use of Response Surface Methodology to Maximize Paper Birch Utilization in a Three-Layer, Two-Species Oriented Strandboard
Oriented strandboard, response surface methodology, sequential experimentation, fractional factorial, simultaneous optimization and central composite designAbstract
Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to maximize the use of paper birch in a laboratory three-layer aspen oriented strandboard (OSB) at a minimum core resin spread. The minimum possible resin spread for the core and maximization of paper birch usage were achieved by simultaneously varying the core strand thickness and reducing the face-to-core weight ratio. Sequential experimentation and model fitting procedures of RSM enabled the prediction of the response and the location of the optimum operating conditions. Simultaneous optimization of the ten board properties indicated that at a density of 39 pcf, a laboratory aspen OSB made with a core resin spread of 1.50 lb/1,000 ft2 and 45 percent by weight of 0.025-inch-thick paper birch core strands would satisfy the minimum requirements of the performance standard. Overall, paper birch was a good supplemental furnish for the core of a three-layer aspen OSB.References
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