Prediction of Internal Bond Strength in Particleboard from Screw Withdrawal Resistance Models
Wood-based composites, particleboard, furniture, nondestructive evaluation, screw withdrawal resistance, internal bond, densityAbstract
Density, internal bond (IB) strength, and screw withdrawal resistance (SWR) data from 20 MS and M2 grade particleboards from two Canadian manufacturers were used to examine the correlations between face and edge SWR, and density and IB. SWR data were matched with previously published models for SWR as functions of density or IB, which were only reliable if they contained terms for screw dimensions and embedment depth. There was little or no correlation between the face or edge SWR of particleboards and their density, but sufficiently good correlation with IB (r2 > 0.7) to support the development of SWR tests as a useful, rapid estimate of IB of particleboard panels. The proposed models are internally calibrated to 5/8-in.-thick board only and need to be developed and tested on other particleboards.References
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