Assessment of Forest Products Undergraduate Education in the United States


  • Shane C. Kitchens
  • Rubin Shmulsky
  • H. Michael Barnes


Traditional Forest Products/Wood Science programs have been curtailed and/or merged into other programs at many universities during the last 10 yr. Current economic challenges throughout the nation are continuing this trend. This trend is somewhat alarming when one considers the implications for education and development of the next generation of scientists in this very critically important field. If proper training programs and adequate professionals are not available, the conservative, wise, and perpetual utilization of renewable natural resources could be compromised for future generations.


Barnes HM (2007) A historical assessment of wood science and technology education in North America, Page 248 in Proc., International Union of Forest Research Organizations, All Division 5 Conference, Forest Products and Environment: A Productive Symbiosis, October 29 to 2 November 2007, Taipei, Taiwan (Technical Abstract). (26 August 2010).'> Issues Committee Task Group (1992) Wood science and technology: A profession at a critical point in history. Society of Wood Science and Technology, Madison, WI. 25 pp.nLyon DE, Barnes HM (1985) Salary survey: Wood science and technology students. In: Proc., Annual Meeting, Society of Wood Science and Technology. 10 pp.nLyon DE, Beall FC, Galligan WL (1995) Concerns for the technological infrastructure of wood products development. Pages 164-168 in DP Hanley, CD Oliver, DA Maguire, DG Briggs, RD Fight, eds. Chapter 13, Forest pruning and wood quality of western North American conifers, Contribution No. 77. Institute of Forest Resources, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.nShupe TF (2009) The extinction of forest products and wood science academic programs. Wood Fiber Sci 41 (4):331-332.n






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