Experimental Large-Scale Fires: Fire Behavior of Interior Finish Materials
Plywood wall panels, decorative plywood, gypsum wall board, wood crib tests, temperature, smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxygen depletion, furnishings, fuel loadAbstract
Large-scale fire tests are sometimes necessary to assess the validity of fire safety proposals that would restrict the use of wood products in buildings. Simulated dwelling burns in 1967 and mobile home burns in 1976 were sponsored by the Hardwood Plywood Manufacturers Association. In both series of burns, the performance of Class A and Class C flamespread wall interior finish was compared. Early limiting occupant egress conditions appeared to be primarily influenced by the combustible contents typical of and contained within the test structures.References
ASTM. 1976. Standard method of test for surface burning characteristics of building materials. ASTM E 84-76a. Am. Soc. Test. Mater. Philadelphia, Pa.nBudnick, Edward K. 1976. Fire spread along a mobile home corridor. NBSIR 76-1021. USDC Nat. Bur. Stand. 51 pp.nHUD. 1975. Mobile home construction and safety standards. Federal Register Vol. 40, No. 244—Thursday December 18, 1975. Pp. 58752.nNFPA. 1975. A study of mobile home fires. No. FR75-2. Nat. Fire Protect. Assoc., Boston, Mass. 15 pp.nPryor, A. J. 1968. Full-scale evaluation of the fire hazard of interior wall finishes. Southwest Research Inst. San Antonio, Texas. 79 pp.nUL. 1977. Fact-finding report on comparative fire testing of two mobile home units with representive interior finish materials and furnishings. Underwriters' Laboratories, North-brook, III. 88 pp.n
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