Shrinkage and Related Properties of Douglas-Fir Cell Walls
Specific gravity, cell-wall area, cell-wall thickness, fiber diameter, cell-wall density, lumens, cell perimeters, soft-woodsAbstract
It is often desirable in veneer or particleboard operations, or in pulping, gluing and especially permeability studies, to use nondestructive sampling techniques to estimate specific gravity or wood behavior in situ.
Two separate optometric measuring techniques are compared for measuring anatomical parameters of intact, extractive-free wood directly. Excellent estimates of wood specific gravity in the green and oven-dry condition, cell-wall area, lumen area, cell-wall thickness, and density in situ are obtained by both methods. In addition, shrinkage in cell area, cell perimeter, tangential and radial dimensional shrinkage of cells, and volumetric shrinkage are obtained from measurements taken from the water-swollen to the oven-dry condition.
Values derived by the two optometric measuring techniques were highly correlated: specific gravity with cell-wall area, basic density with cell-wall thickness.
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