Influence of Carbon Source on Cellulase Activity of White-rot and Brown-rot Fungi


  • Terry L. Highley


<i>Polyporus versicolor</i>, <i>Ganoderma applanatum</i>, <i>Peniophora "G"</i>, <i>Poria monticola</i>, <i>Lentinus lepideus</i>, <i>Lenzites trabea</i>, enzyme, decay


Three white-rot fungi, Polyporus versicolor, Ganoderma applanatum, and Peniophora "G," produce an adaptive cellulase complex that can degrade both soluble cellulose (Cx) and microcrystalline cellulose (C1), a highly ordered form of cellulose. Production of Cx and C1 by the white-rot fungi was repressed by simple sugars. Cellulase preparations from three brown-rot fungi, Poria monticola, Lentinus lepideus, and Lenzites trabea, exhibited only Cx activity; microcrystalline cellulose was not significantly degraded. Contrary to the cellulase (Cx) of the white-rot fungi, that of the brown-rot fungi apparently is constitutive, since activity was abundant in cultures with simple sugars or with non-cellulosic polysac-charides as the sole source of carbon. This work disclosed no differences between the cellulase-inducing effects of hardwoods versus those of softwoods that might help explain the preference of white rotters for hardwoods and brown rotters for softwoods.


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