Representative Heights for Assessing Whole-Tree Values and the Within-Tree Variations of Derived Wood Properties in Eucalyptus Camaldulensis and E. Globulus
Eucalyptus, derived wood properties, within-tree variation, representative height, quality breedingAbstract
The representative heights in the trunk to indicate whole-tree values and the within-tree variations of derived wood properties, namely flexibility coefficient, wall coverage ratio, vessel diameter radial/tangential (R/T) ratio, fiber diameter R/T ratio, and fiber coarseness, were examined in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. globulus trees. In both species, within-tree variations were generally observed as high in the upper and outer parts of the trunk for wall coverage ratio and in the lower parts for flexibility coefficient and vessel diameter R/T ratio. In E. camaldulensis, within-tree variations were observed as high in the upper and outer parts of the trunk for fiber coarseness, and in the lower and inner parts for fiber diameter R/T ratio. In E. globulus, within-tree variations were observed as high in the outer parts for fiber coarseness, but fiber diameter R/T ratio had no clear trend. The representative height assessing the derived wood properties was 2.8 m in E. camaldulensis and 1.8 m in E. globulus, regardless of differences in tree height (growth rate). No representative height was found for wall coverage ratio.References
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