Wood Propionylation in the Presence of Catalysts
Propionylation, catalyst, catalytic effect, catalyst loading, color differenceAbstract
Effects of potassium and sodium salts as catalysts on propionylation of wood and on the color change of propionylated wood have been investigated. It was found that potassium acetate, sodium acetate, sodium propionate, and sodium thiosulfate as catalysts were effective for propionylation of wood, and the catalyst loadings (CLs) of them had an effect on weight percent gains. The color of propionylated wood catalyzed with potassium acetate, sodium acetate, or sodium propionate changed very slightly, while sodium thiosulfate-catalyzed wood changed greatly with the increase of CL. Otherwise, potassium sulfate and sodium sulfate showed little or no catalytic effect, and sodium tetraborate decahydrate showed a negative catalytic effect on propionylation of wood.References
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