additional mass, frequency equation, longitudinal vibration, processed endAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of tenon and mortise joints on Young's modulus of wooden members and propose a correcting method of Young's modulus. Young's moduli of the specimens with two additional concentrated masses (CMs) and those of the specimens with tenon and mortise joints were obtained using the longitudinal vibration test. The frequency equation for the longitudinal vibration of a specimen with two additional CMs was experimentally proved. The maximum deviation of 17% in Young's modulus was observed when the specimens with tenon and mortise joints were treated as rectangular bars. The mass ratio (mass of a tenon and a mortise/mass of the main body) and the volume ratio (volume of a tenon and a mortise/volume of the main body) could be used for the aforementioned frequency equation. Using this method, it is possible for one to accurately estimate Young's modulus of a wooden member with a tenon and a mortise on a construction site.
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