The Current and Future State of Wood Science Education in the United States


  • Robert L. Smith SWST
  • Paula Fallas Valverde


Eleven institutions were asked to participate in a meeting looking at the future of the discipline early in 2018 (Oregon State University, University of Idaho, Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, Virginia Technology University, Auburn University [AU], University of Minnesota, University of Maine, West Virginia University, Pennsylvania State University, and Michigan Technological University). Efforts were made to invite the department head or a senior representative of each program. All institutions accepted the invitation. Participants were asked to complete a set of questions regarding their individual programs. Each representative then provided a 30-min overview of their programs and the changes/planned changes to occur. Two of the programs involved were new/or being established included AU and Michigan Technological University. Both of these universities previously had wood science programs and are now reestablishing them. It is important to emphasize that of the 11 participating institutions, all are land-grant universities except one. Furthermore, the forest economy is significant to the prosperity of the states represented.


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