Juvenile wood, mature wood, radial growth rate, stress-wave velocity, bending propertyAbstract
The wood and lumber properties were examined for 67-yr-old Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) trees with different radial growth rates planted in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The trees were categorized into slow-, medium-, and fast-growing groups based on the stem diameter. No significant difference in stresswave velocity of stems, which is closely related with Young’s modulus of wood, was found among three radial growth categories (stem diameter classes). The boundary between juvenile wood (JW) and mature wood (MW) determined by latewood tracheid length (TL) existed about the 20th annual ring from the pith in all sample trees. Significant differences between JW and MW were found in most of examined wood and lumber properties. It was found that trees with fast growth do not always cause lower grade lumberproperties.
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