Thermogravimetric Analysis of Loblolly Pine Bark Components<sup>1</sup>
Pinus taeda, holocellulose, Klason lignin, atmospheric effectsAbstract
Thermogravimetric analysis of loblolly pine bark components (extractive-free bark, alkali-soluble material, alkali-extracted residue, Klason lignin, and holocellulose) was performed under different atmospheres. Degradation patterns of these bark components were different depending on composition and on the pyrolytic atmosphere. In the presence of oxygen, the rate of thermal decomposition was greater, and all bark materials were converted to volatile products. Thermal reactions under nitrogen and hydrogen and in vacuum were much slower and gave larger amounts of nonvolatile residue. Thermal curves obtained under nitrogen and hydrogen were very similar, while pyrolysis under vacuum conditions gave decreased amounts of char residue with the greatest effect in the holocellulose fraction.References
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