Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Wood Peroxidase Activity in Oak (<i>Quercus Robur</i>)
Peroxidase distribution, seasonal variation, <i>Quercus robur</i>, oakAbstract
The distribution of peroxidase activity and the water and nitrogen content within the cross section of an oak trunk (Quercus robur) were measured. After a sharp decline in the outer sapwood, an increase of the peroxidase activity in the inner part of sapwood could be detected. This increase was followed by a sharp fall of the activity in the heartwood. In the inner part of the heartwood only small activity could be found. The quantitative data reported in this paper give for the first time strong evidence that peroxidase enzymes are involved in heartwood formation. The results support the findings of other authors that an increased enzymatic activity exists in the zone adjacent to the sapwood/heartwood junction.
In addition the seasonal variation of peroxidase activity in the zone mentioned above was studied. A maximum of activity could be observed during the dormant season. The results indicate that heartwood formation in Quercus robur occurs mainly during this period.
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