mechano-sorptive creep, bamboo laminated veneer lumber, glued laminated bambooAbstract
The phenomenon of mechano-sorptive (MS) creep is critical to structural design. It can result in greater deformation and earlier failure under cyclical moisture conditions. This study focuses on the MS bending creep of bamboo laminated veneer lumber (BLVL) and glued laminated bamboo (GLB). All samples were found to exhibit a large creep increment during moisture cycling compared with samples under constant humidity conditions. Relative creep increased with adsorption and showed a slight increase with desorption. However, in the modified creep, subtracting the elastic and shrinkage-swelling components of the total creep, a substantial decrease in absorption for the BLVL was observed, whereas the adsorption increased for the GLB. The creep limit of BLVL was 1.293 mm, and GLB’s limit was 3.363 mm.
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