Bioenergy, Bamboo, Torrefied bamboo, Synergistic interaction, Co-combustion.Abstract
To investigate if there is synergistic interaction between bamboo with coal, or between torrefied bamboo with coal during cocombustion, bamboo and torrefied bamboo separately were respectively uniformly mixed with coal and the weight percentage of bamboo or torrefied bamboo in the mixture were 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The combustion behaviors of blends were characterized using thermogravimentric analyzer at heating rates of 10°C/min, 20°C/min, 30°C/min, and 40°C/min. Results showed that the combustion process of bamboo and coal combustion was separated during cocombustion, and the higher temperature zone corresponding to coal combustion had a higher activation energy. Cocombustion of torrefied bamboo and coal had a combustion zone. Combustion characteristics gradually increased with increase in heating rates and decrease in mixing ratios. Theoretical combustion characteristics obviously shifted to higher temperatures, indicating synergistic interactions between bamboo/torrefied bamboo and coal. Cocombustion of torrefied bamboo and coal was more feasible with a stabler combustion process. The results might be helpful to promote bamboo resources as a blend fuel for co-firing application with coal.
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