wooden joint, adhesive tape, cyclic shear loading, durability, strain energy, deformabilityAbstract
The authors have previously studied the possibility of the use of industrial double-sided adhesive tape as a method for jointing wooden panel to wooden framework. The mechanical performance of joints formed by such methods is comparable to that of nailed joint under static load conditions. However, the mechanical performance of such joints has not been evaluated under cyclic load conditions. This study was conducted to investigate this aspect of their performance. Double-shear specimens were prepared by bonding wooden panel to wooden framework using two types of adhesive tape with different substrates. Specimens were also prepared with wooden dowels to strengthen their jointing performance. The joint specimens were subjected to cyclic shear loading testing. The results of the tests were analyzed from an energetics perspective, and the shear deformability of the specimens at failure was estimated. The test results indicate that both the specimens formed using adhesive tape and those formed using wooden dowels had fatigue properties comparable to nailed joint specimens. A tendency for the shear deformability caused by cyclic loading to increase with the stress level was observed. It was possible to estimate the shear deformability by evaluating the energy absorption capacity of the joints from an energetics standpoint.
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