2015 Award Presentations
This SWST Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of distinguished service to the profession as a whole and for extraordinary contributions in wood science and technology. Such service may have been made in any educational, technological, scientific or professional area directly related to the profession of Wood Science and Technology in furtherance of the objectives of the Society as outlined in its Constitution and Bylaws. Guidelines for the award and past recipients can be found at http://www.swst.org/news2/awards/dsaguide.html. Committee: Alain Cloutier (Chair), Jerrold Winandy, Jim Funck, Sue Anagnost, Todd Shupe.
The 2014 awards go to: Douglas J. Gardner and Victoria L. Herian. Their comments accompanying receipt of the 2014 SWST Distinguished Service Award are published in this issue of Wood and Fiber Science.
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