Certification Involvement by Selected United States Value-Added Solid Wood Products Sectors


  • Richard P. Vlosky
  • Rado Gazo
  • Daniel Cassens


Certification, value-added, wood products


A study was conducted in the spring of 2002 to determine attitudes of a selection of value-added wood products manufacturers with regard to current and potential participation in forest certification. A convenience sample of 1,482 members from four national associations that actually sold wood products was surveyed. Results indicate that respondents do not have a very clear understanding of certification or of chain-of-custody requirements. On average, 2% of respondents from the four associations combined completely understand certifiers' services and objectives and a third of respondents have no familiarity with major U.S. certifiers. Further, respondents seem to be ambivalent about the issue of both temperate and tropical forest certification. Nearly half would not be willing to pay a premium for certified raw materials with an additional 20% of respondents stating that they would be willing to pay a premium of 3% or less.


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