Technical Note: Equilibrium Moisture Content of Norway Spruce at Low Pressure


  • Zhangjing Chen
  • Eric Mougel
  • Patrick Perré
  • Robert L. Youngs


The EMC of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was determined at various levels of temperature and RH under low pressures. EMC corresponded to temperature and RH and was strongly related to vapor pressure inside the chamber. The amount of air present in the vacuum chamber did not significantly affect the EMC. The Hailwood-Horrobin model can be used to estimate the EMC of wood under vacuum, although it is about 2-3% MC less than the actual EMC of wood during initial desorption.


FPL (1999) Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material. USDA Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. 463 pp.nHailwood AJ, Horrobin S (1946) Absorption of water by polymers: analysis in terms of a simple model. Trans Faraday Soc 42B: 84-92, 94-102.nSimpson WT (1973) Predicting equilibrium moisture content of wood by mathematical models. Wood Fiber Sci 5(1):41-49.n






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