Elements of Bark Structure and Terminology


  • Robert E. Martin
  • John B. Crist


Bark structure varies considerably from that of wood, although analogies may be drawn between specific elements and overall structure and function. The terminology of bark structure is discussed and various cellular elements are described. Several bark structures are illustrated with light and electron micrographs pointing out differences between species and species groups.


Chang, Y. P. 1954a. Anatomy of common North American pulpwood barks. Tappi Monograph No. 14. 249 p.nChang, Y. P. 1954b. Bark structure of North American conifers. U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. 1095. 86 p.nEsau, K. 1959. Plant anatomy. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 735 p.nHoward, E. T. 1970. Bark structure of the southern pines. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Forest Products Research Society, Miami.nSitte, P. 1955. Der Feinbau berkorkter zellwande. Mikroskopie (Wien), 10: 178-210.nSociety of American Foresters. 1958. Forestry terminology. 3rd ed. Soc. Amer. For., Washington, D. C. 97 p.n






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