Decay Resistance Properties of Hot Water Extracted Oriented Strandboard
Oriented strandboard, hemicellulose removal, brown rot, white rot, wood preservation, bioassaysAbstract
The use of extracted wood hemicelluloses as a substrate for fermentation and biofuels production has the added benefit of leaving the remaining wood product intact after extraction and being usable in other applications. However, it is still unclear how these extraction procedures might affect susceptibility to fungal attack. Modified oriented strandboards (OSB) were created by hot water extracting red maple strands before adhesive application and pressing of the strands into boards. Treated and untreated boards were tested for decay susceptibility in a modified ASTM soil block jar bioassay using multiple species of white and brown rot fungi. Results showed no significant differences in decay susceptibility between the untreated and extracted boards for all the brown rot fungi tested. The white rot fungi tested were shown to decay the boards made from extracted strands significantly less than the boards made from control strands. These results indicate that modifying OSB panels by removing hemicelluloses for use in ethanol and other alternative fuel production does not increase decay susceptibility to the brown rot fungi tested and appears to confer a degree of decay resistance against the white rot fungi.References
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