Bioenergy Properties of Juvenile Hybrid Poplars and Their Parent Species
Anatomy, bioenergy, hybrid poplar, TGA-FTIR, thermal and chemical propertiesAbstract
Bioenergy properties of poplar species Populus trichocarpa (PT), Populus deltoides (PD), and their hybrid were evaluated. Hybrid poplar trees from the cross between PT and PD presented different anatomic, physical, chemical, and thermal properties from their parent species. Anatomic results tended to suggest that hybrid poplar, with fewer vessels per unit area, had more resemblance to PT. Extractive content ranged from 10.64-11% for PD, PT, and first-generation hybrid poplar, whereas it varied from 8.8-9.5% for backcross offspring (BC2-BC5). PD had the greatest average lignin content of 25.6% followed by first-generation offspring and backcross offspring with lignin content of approximately 25%. Holocellulose content of hybrid poplar species was higher than that of their parent species. Observed stem/stump proximate results ranged from 72-74.7%, 25-28%, and 0.80-1.7% for volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash content, respectively. Heating values observed along the stem were slightly higher than at the stump, ranging from 7498-8356 kJ. TGA-FTIR analysis indicated that H2, CO2, CH4, and CO were the dominant gaseous components from wood pyrolysis.References
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