Relative Permeability and the Gross Pore Structure of Wood


  • F. O. Tesoro
  • E. T. Choong
  • O. K. Kimbler


Softwoods, hardwoods, specific permeability, effective permeability, absolute permeability, water, nitrogen gas


Water-saturated, longitudinal core samples of nine hardwoods and three softwoods were measured for specific permeability and also for relative permeability to water and nitrogen gas. Constant flow rates were achieved for specific permeability. Relative permeability curve shapes were influenced more by the pore structure of wood than by its specific permeability. It appears that softwoods could be drained much lower in degree of saturation than hardwoods. In imbibition-type measurements, the softwoods were higher in saturation but lower in relative permeability than the hardwoods.


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Research Contributions