Evaluation of A Biological Agent For Controlling Basidiomycete Attack of Douglas-fir and Southern Pine


  • Jeffrey J. Morrel
  • Camille M. Sexton


Biological control, wood decay, southern pine, Douglas-fir, Basidiomycetes, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma polysporum


A biological control agent (Binab®) containing Trichoderma polysporum and T. harzianum was evaluated for its ability to prevent or arrest attack of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) sapwood and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) heartwood by five Basidiomycetes commonly isolated from poles in service. Studies of Lentinus lepideus were included for comparison. In general, the biocontrol agents performed well against L. lepideus and other brown-rot fungi out of ground contact, but they did not completely eliminate most of the test fungi. The biological control agents had little effect on L. lepideus when the wood was exposed to soil. In addition, the biocontrol agents had little effect on white-rot fungi, which are an important component of the microflora in decaying poles. Results suggest that Binab® is not suitable for remedial decay control without supplemental treatments that favor growth and activity of Trichoderma.


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