Information Sources and Purchase Influences For Wood Products Retailers: A Trade Show Attendee Perspective
Homecenter, buyer behavior, promotions, sales force, relationship buildingAbstract
Retail outlets are an important channel of distribution for wood products sold to professional builders and do-it-yourself consumers. Trade shows serve a prominent role in the wood products industry as a means for showcasing wood building products to such retail outlets. This research provides information about the use of trade shows by building material retailers that will allow wood marketers to better target marketing programs. A survey of all retailer attendees at a large building materials trade show was conducted to determine which information sources are most influential in retailers' purchase decision-making. The survey also investigated which at-show information sources are most influential for buyer-attendees. Results indicate that retailers' relationship with their wood products supplier has the greatest influence on overall purchase decisions. Price reductions on materials displayed at the show was the most influential show-related factor. Statistical analyses suggest that in-exhibit information sources are more heavily used by attendees with greater purchase influence. Additional analyses indicate that attendees with greater purchase influence tend to seek technically oriented information about products displayed.References
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