Consumer Segments for Environmentally Marketed Wooden Household Furniture
Green marketing, market segmentationAbstract
The environment is increasingly becoming an important issue for marketers in all areas of business. The wood products industry is especially vulnerable to this trend given its reliance on the natural environment as a source of raw materials. However, little attention has actually been paid to how noneconomic buying criteria, like the environment, are evaluated by consumers and for what segments of consumers the environment is an important purchase consideration. In light of these factors, a study was conducted in the fall of 1994 to determine whether a market segment for environmentally marketed wooden household furniture exists and to profile this market segment based on demographic, socioeconomic, and psychographic variables. Two identifiable consumer segments for environmentally marketed wooden household furniture were found representing approximately 39% of the study's 1,410 respondents. Consumers in the first segment are concerned about the environmental impacts of the products they purchase, but they are also very price-conscious. They can be described as Democrats, moderately educated, with a moderate income level, and concerned about the quality of the environment. Consumers in the second segment are also concerned about environmental product attributes, but they are the least price-sensitive segment. They can be described as Democrats, members of an environmental organization, and environmentally concerned. They participate in many environmental activities, are highly educated, and have a high income level. Results of this study may be useful to academic researchers, policymakers, and the wood products industry to allow them to segment their consumers and promote and position their products in these segments.References
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