Initial Look at Opportunities for Optimizing Lumber Volume Using BOF Decisions for Hardwood Sawing


  • Philip H. Steele
  • Eugene M. Wengert


Hardwoods, sawmilling, sawing, BOF, computer decisions, lumber yield


Considerable information is available on lumber yields from the use of best opening face (BOF) decisions in softwood sawmills. No such information is available for hardwood sawmills. This study was designed to supply an initial look at the magnitude of lumber volume-yield increase possible through use of BOF decisions for hardwood sawing. The simulated sawing of a wide distribution of study log lengths, widths, and tapers was carried out using a computer model of the hardwood sawing process. Yields for 15 incremental opening-face positions per log were determined. Percentage increases were calculated based on these yields by two methods. The first method followed past research procedure for softwood sawing and calculated percentage increase of maximum above minimum lumber yield for 15 opening face positions. The second method provided a more conservative estimate by calculating percentage increase of maximum above average yield for the same 15 positions. Percentage lumber yield increases were 6.3 and 2.8%, respectively, for the two methods. Statistical tests were performed which demonstrated that these yields were based on an actual increase in fiber yield rather than on an increase due to manipulation of lumber widths.


Adkins, W. K., D. B. Richards, D. W. Lewis, and E. H. Bulgrin. 1979. Programs for computer simulation of hardwood log sawing. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 357. Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nHallock, H., and D. W. Lewis. 1971. Increasing softwood dimension yield from small logs. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 166. Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nHallock, H., A. R. Stern, and D. W. Lewis. 1976. Is there a "best" sawing method. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 280. Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nHallock, H., A. R. Stern, and D. W. Lewis. 1979. A look at centered vs. offset sawing. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 321. Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.nNational Hardwood Lumber Association. 1982. Rules for the measurement and inspection of hardwood and cypress lumber. NHLA, Memphis, TN.nRichards, D. B., W. K. Adkins, H. Hallock, and E. H. Bulgrin. 1979. Simulation of hardwood log sawing. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL 355. Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.n






Research Contributions