An Adaptive Wood Composite: Theory


  • Watanachai Smittakorn
  • Paul R. Heyliger


Adaptive wood composite, laminated plate, hygrothermopiezoelectric effect, discrete-layer model, finite element model


A theoretical model is presented for the steady-state and transient behavior of adaptive wood composite plates composed of layers of wood and other piezoelectric materials. Effects of the mechanical, electrical, temperature, and moisture fields are studied simultaneously using a discrete-layer model of the governing equations. These are solved using the finite element method. The computational model employs a one-dimensional Lagrange linear interpolation function in the through-thickness direction and two-dimensional quadratic finite element for the in-plane approximations, treating the displacements, potential, temperature, and moisture as the nodal unknowns. Representative examples of adaptive wood composites are modeled and potential applications are discussed.


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