Deformation of Wood-Based Material During Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Treatment
Supercritical fluids, OSB (oriented strandboard), medium density fiberboard, laminated veneer lumber, deformationAbstract
The deformation of various wood-based materials during supercritical carbon dioxide treatment was assessed in situ at a range of pressurization and venting rates. Deformation was minimal with oriented strandboard (OSB), medium density fiberboard (MDF), and solid Douglas-fir heartwood, and even this slight deformation was rapidly recovered once the pressure was released. Higher degrees of deformation were observed in laminated veneer lumber (LVL) composed of Douglas-fir veneers and this deformation was not completely recovered at the end of the process. The resulting deformation resulted in permanent veneer separations. The results indicate that there is little risk of damage during supercritical carbon dioxide treatment of OSB, MDF, and Douglas-fir heartwood, but that further process studies will be required to identify treatment cycles suitable for treatment of LVL.References
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