Heartwood Extractives of a Western Larch Tree (<i>Larix Occidentalis</i> Nutt.)
Chromatography, resin acids, lignans, flavonoids, L-arabinose, larixol, larixyl acetateAbstract
Heartwood meal of a western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) was successively extracted with solvents of increasing polarity. The total extractable material collected was 15%. Compounds in each solvent fraction were separated by column chromatography followed by preparative-layer chromatography. Some isolates were characterized by comparison with standards, IR, UV, and NMR spectra, and various chromatographic parameters.
Compounds previously unreported found in western larch heartwood were: four resin acids (0.2% total yield), sandaracopimaric, isopimaric, abietic and dehydroabietic, together with larixol and larixyl acetate from the petroleum ether extract; pinocembrin (5,7-dihydroxy-flavanone) from the benzene extract (0.003% yield); isolariciresinol from the ethanol extract; and free L-arabinose and secoisolariciresinol from the water extract.
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