Carbon and Hydrogen Contents of Short-Rotation Biomass of Five Hardwood Species
Carbon, energy, hardwoods, hydrogen, plantationAbstract
Carbon, hydrogen, and ash contents were determined on three-year-old, short-rotation trees of autumn olive, black alder, black locust, eastern cottonwood, and sycamore. These plantations were established on marginal agricultural land that was not suitable for food production in Midwestern United States. Test results indicated that elemental analysis varied among species, planting site, and spacing. Black locust had the highest hydrogen content, black alder had the highest carbon content, and eastern cottonwood possessed the greatest ash content. The hydrogen content was higher at bottomland than upland, while the carbon content and ash content were both higher on upland as opposed to bottomland sites. The hydrogen content was higher at narrow spacing, while carbon content was higher at wide spacing. Conversely, hydrogen was not significantly affected by the stem portion, while both carbon and ash contents of the wood, bark, and branches mixture portion were higher than those of the wood portion.References
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