Comparisons of Pentachlorophenol Formulations in Soil-block Tests
Pentachlorophenol, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Coniophora puteana, preservatives, wood decay, brown-rotAbstract
Sapwood blocks of southern yellow pine, pressure treated with waterborne emulsions of pentachloro-phenol, a solution of pentachlorophenol in water, and a solution of pentachlorophenol in oil diluted with toluene, were incubated for 12 weeks in soil bottles with either Gloeophyllum trabeum or Coniophora puteana. Coniophora puteana was more tolerant of pentachlorophenol in some formulations than was G. trabeum, and was less sensitive to differences between formulations than was G. trabeum as evidenced by threshold values for pentachlorophenol in the different formulations.References
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