Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Review and Report of Research in Wood Science
Scanning electron microscopy is discussed in light of its principles, advantages, and applications. Comparisons of this system are made with the light microscopic and transmission electron systems. A cross section of pertinent literature on the scanning electron microscope, its development and use, has been integrated into the initial sections to provide a reference base for this general field. A detailed literature view on the use of this system in the field of wood science has also been included.
The result of the author's research on wood through use of the scanning electron microscope is reported. Effect of techniques used to prepare specimens for viewing by this method and the effect of the environment inside the microscope itself were determined. A means for preserving original green structure of wood was determined by studying the bordered pit structure in redwood. Finally, 3/8-inch plywood was used in exploring means for improving image contrast at the wood-adhesive interface. Use of much reduced incident electron-beam voltage on uncoated specimens showed promise as a means of studying distribution patterns in wood containing materials of different conductivity.
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