Stress and Failure Analysis of Double-Bolted Joints in Douglas-Fir and Sitka Spruce
Bolted joints, mechanical fasteners, finite elements, moiré, strain gages, failure theories, testing, nonlinearityAbstract
Stresses in, and strength of, single- and double-bolted mechanical joints in wood members are analyzed experimentally and numerically. The analyses account for the nonlinear geometric and stress-strain responses and the thicknesses of the members. Stresses are obtained using finite elements, strain gages, and moiré techniques. Failure is predicted from assumed strength criteria. Stresses and strength are influenced by end-distance, bolt-spacing, edge-distance, bolt-clearance, and load distribution between bolts of a multiple fastener. Predicted initiation of failure agrees with visible and audible damage initiation in full-scale components. These occur at 10 to 25% of ultimate structural strength.References
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