Genetic Differences in Wood Traits Among Half-Century-Old Families of Douglas-Fir


  • M. D. McKimmy
  • D. D. Nicholas


Variations in tracheid length and wood specific gravity were analyzed in half-century-old Douglas-fir trees that represent progeny from five half-sib families each from a single parent tree. All of these five families were sampled at three provenance plantations in widely different climatic conditions.

Both plantation (environment) and family (parent in race) had highly significant effects on tracheid length and specific gravity in the three plantations studied.

Progeny from one parent had the longest tracheid length at all three plantations. Progeny from another parent had the shortest tracheid length in all three plantations. Although progeny from one parent had the highest specific gravity in each of the three plantations, progeny from another had the lowest specific gravity in only two of the plantations and next to the lowest in the third.


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