Furfuryl Alcohol Emulsion Resins as Co-Binders for Urea-Formaldehyde Resin-Bonded Particleboards


  • Moon G. Kim
  • Louis Wasson
  • Milt Burris
  • Yimin Wu
  • Christopher Watt
  • R. C. Strickland


Furfuryl alcohol, polyfurfuryl alcohol emulsion resin, urea-formaldehyde resins, particle-board binder resins


An approach to using water-insoluble furfuryl alcohol (FA) resins as a co-binder for particleboard (PB) urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins was evaluated. Sprayable FA/UF mixed resins were made by emulsifying FA resins of varying advancements and mixing with various formaldehyde to urea (F/U) ratio UF resins in various proportions. The binder performance of the mixed FA/UF resins was then evaluated by bonding laboratory PBs using a weakly acidic ordinary UF resin curing catalyst at various hot pressing temperatures. The PBs were also heat-treated and were aged for two years at room temperature. The test results of bond strengths and formaldehyde emission levels of PBs showed promising improvements at about 30% FA resin additions, although the results were preliminary due to the variable performance nature of such binder systems.


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