Differences In Some Chemical Properties of Innerwood and Outerwood From Five Silviculturally Different Loblolly Pine Stands


  • Todd F. Shupe
  • Chung Y. Hse
  • Elvin T. Choong
  • Leslie H. Groom


Alpha-cellulose, hot-water extractives, alcohol-benzene extractives, ether extractives, Klason lignin, holocellulose, silvicultural treatments, wood type


The influence of five different silvicultural management strategies on the chemical composition (extractives, Klason lignin, holocellulose, and alpha-cellulose) of loblolly pine outerwood and inner-wood was investigated. Stands that were managed in a plantation setting using growth-accelerating treatments showed higher extractive contents than the other stands. Wood from the juvenile area (innerwood) yielded more extractives than outerwood (mature wood). Holocellulose and alpha-cellulose were not significantly affected by silvicultural practice but were found in a much greater concentration in outerwood than innerwood due to the greater density in the outerwood region. Klason lignin was inversely related to holocellulose.


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