Drying Rates of Wood Chips During Compression Drying


  • Zhihua Liu
  • John G. Haygreen


Compression drying, wood chips, wood density, particle size, pressure


Compression drying is basically a process of forcing the free water in wood to move under high hydrostatic pressure through a solid structure. Fundamental information regarding the time-dependent characteristic of compression drying is necessary to develop efficient commercial processes. The purpose of this study is to provide an initial evaluation of the effect of some factors—pressure, wood density, and particle (chip) size—on free water extraction.

Five species—aspen, balsam fir, jack pine, red maple, and red oak—were tested in this study. For each species both typical pulp size chips and particles from hammermilled chips were used. Drying rates were determined under constant ram face pressures at 500 psi, 1,000 psi, 1,500 psi, and 2,000 psi, respectively. The concept of drying rate is one of the important factors in dealing with compression drying, especially in designing dewatering pressure cycles.

The most efficient compression drying is achieved during the first two minutes. Drying rates are negligible after 3 to 4 minutes of constant pressure in the 500 to 2,000 psi range. The analysis of variance for species shows highly significant differences in final moisture contents. Size of chips had a significant effect on final moisture contents Compressed density of hammermilled chips is slightly higher than that of unrefined chips. High density chips require higher pressure to initiate effective drying rates.


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