A Mathematical Analysis to Determine The Volume of Residues and Lumber Produced in the Sawmill Edging Process
Hardwoods, sawmill, simulation, edging, modeling, edging productsAbstract
Mathematical models were developed to determine volumes of the different types of materials produced in edging hardwood lumber. Six edging patterns that consider the complete or partial removal of wane were analyzed, and mathematical models were separately developed for each pattern. The models were incorporated into a computerized sawmill simulation program, and several logs were computer sawn and processed using a wide range of edging patterns. Results from these initial runs appeared reasonable and realistic when compared to empirical sawmill data. The edging models developed in this study may be useful to analysts studying sawmill fiber balances as well as lumber recovery and grade trade-offs. In addition, incorporation of the edging models into sawmill simulation and analytical programs can represent a significant and important step in the evolution of computerized sawmill analysis.References
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