Resin Distribution in Medium Density Fiberboard. Quantification of UF Resin Distribution on Blowline-and Dry-Blended MDF Fiber and Panels


  • Ceri Loxton
  • Armin Thumm
  • Warren J. Grigsby
  • Tracey A. Adams
  • Richard M. Ede


Medium density fiberboard, urea formaldehyde resin, confocal microscopy, resin visualization, resin distribution


A novel technique has been developed for visualizing urea formaldehyde (UF) resin distribution on fibers and within MDF panels. A fluorescent label was chemically bound to the resin, and digital images of resinated fiber, generated via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), were analyzed. Results indicate that this technique can be used to quantify UF resin coverage and distribution as well as provide information on resin film thickness on MDF fiber before pressing and in panels. The technique can distinguish between different methods of resination and was employed to determine that these processes can result in different surface coverages of UF resin on MDF fiber. Resin injected at the end of the blowline gave significantly less resin coverage of fiber than that which was injected at the start of the blowline. UF resin droplets were also relatively thicker and less dispersed when injected at the end of the blowline. Visualization of UF resin also illustrated resin distribution changes upon pressing of fiber particularly in the presence of wax. This result has important implications for future studies targeting optimization of resin deposition, since the droplet size distribution, as applied to the fiber, may not correspond to the droplet size distribution of resin in the panel.


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