Evaluation of Chlorosulfonyl Pyridine for Protecting Wood from Soft-Rot Fungi Using A Tensile Strength Test
<i>Pinus ponderosa</i>, <i>Liquidambar styraciflua</i>, <i>Taxodium ascendens</i>, wood preservation, wood preservatives, retention, soft-rot, <i>Acremonium</i>, <i>Graphium</i>, pentachlorophenol, biodegradation, tensile strengthAbstract
Laboratory evaluation of a promising new wood preservative, 2,3,5,6,-tetrachloro-4 methylsulfonyl pyridine, was conducted to determine its relative effectiveness against two soft-rot fungi using tensile strength as the measure of the protection value. One-sixteenth-inch sapwood specimens of three species: ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), and pondcypress (Taxodium ascendens Bong.); were treated with various levels of preservative and exposed to Graphium sp. and Acremonium sp. in test tube incubation chambers for 14 days. Statistical comparison of strength values of treated sweetgum specimens exposed to Graphium sp. indicated no significant difference between the protective properties of chlorosulfonyl pyridine and pentachlorophenol. Multiple comparisons of the untreated unincubated specimen mean with treated specimen means, however, indicated that 0.05 pcf of chlorosulfonyl pyridine was required to provide the same protection as afforded by 0.03 pcf of pentachlorophenol. Results also revealed that Graphium sp. had a relatively high wood-deterioration capacity.References
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